Closed Discussion: Replacing Discipline with Balance

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Closed Discussion: Replacing Discipline with Balance

Post by Maiyannah »

Discipline, as you are no doubt all aware, is a homebrew NWN skill. It is not present in tabletop, and its inclusion makes it difficult for builds whom should be able to fight effectively do so, especially clerics, and other builds which saturate their skillpoints on the other end of the spectrum. However, most of these builds include some degree of DEX since this will improve AC.

As such, I would propose replacing "Discipline" as a skill with the Balance skill as described in the SRD, giving it the additional advantages of resisting combat feats, as Discipline does. This moves this resistance as such onto the DEX attribute, which I feel brings us more in line with the costs and drawbacks that tabletop D&D wants to exert with builds.

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Re: Open Discussion: Replacing Discipline with Balance

Post by wilkins1952 »

This would make sense and pull a little of the benefit that pure strength builds have in Default NWN, Where they are the superior martial build by a long way.
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Re: Open Discussion: Replacing Discipline with Balance

Post by Maiyannah »

In tabletop the design paradigm is either defence (highly int/dex dependent) to represent a skilled defender, or offence (highly strength dependent). Discipline being a Strength-based skill highly skews this design intent from tabletop and I'd like prod things back in that direction. This seemed like a good way to do so.
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Re: Open Discussion: Replacing Discipline with Balance

Post by Maiyannah »

Went ahead with this after some talks elsewhere, we can revisit if balance gets weird.

For now I'll call this closed.
Lead Developer, DM, and fellow roleplayer.
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