This is a system I have the broad strokes of already implemented, but I wrote it in a way I can make easy changes to.
In normal NWN, when you die, you die, but this doesn't follow the sourcebooks in P&P - where instead you have a bleedout instead.
Right now it is coded as follows:
- When "killed" you are reduced to either 0 or -1 hit points.
- If you are reduced to 0 hit points, then you are unconscious, and will respawn on the next "tick" of the script.
- If you are reduced to -1 hit points, then you are bleeding our and will probably die.
- At -10 hit points, you die.
- There are presently no recovery rolls.
- Death by massive damage is not implemented.
In terms of recovery, I think it should be possible, but I would probably make fortitude bonuses have more of an impact on the roll than they would in normal P&P rules (1d100+fort versus 90), as Martials I feel would generally be more resilient and able to recover, and that would give them a little more even footing versus the spellcasting classes that so quickly outstrip them.
In terms of death by massive damage, I think this should be implemented but perhaps just give you a scaling less amount of health to recover in, rather than be instadead (ie, say if you died 80 over your hp, you start at bleeding out -8 rather than -1.) This would mitigate the dice just taking the piss sometimes somewhat.
What do you think?