[OOC] Posting rules for the Announcements Forums

Formal announcements from the various factions. Please do not post replies here.
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Posts: 557
Location: Zeidenberg

[OOC] Posting rules for the Announcements Forums

Post by Maiyannah »

To keep things neat and tidy here we would like to ask the following:
  1. Please do not post replies to the notices/etc on the forums. Notices that are removed or torn down, and not replaced, will be redacted by the DMs (or at their option, the OP). If you wish to report such a post being removed feel free to PM a DM here or on Discord to have it attended.
  2. One thread per faction/entity please.
  3. Do not post in threads that belong to factions to which you are not a member.
  4. Posts are considered IC and any posts put publicly on these forums can be considered a matter of public knowledge.
    If you wish notices to be secret, post them solely in game, not here.
  5. Please follow the general code of conduct in regards to any public postings.
Lead Developer, DM, and fellow roleplayer.
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