Class requirements:
- 5 Lore 5 Spellcraft and 5 Occultism.
5 levels in at least one of the following Classes; Wizard, Sorceror, Bard, Warmage.
Feats: Spell focus: Necromancy
Greater Spell Focus:Necromancy
Class skills 4+int skillpoints per level
Concentration, Spellcraft, Hide, Move silently, Spot, Listen, Influence, Speak Language.
Class features: The Palemaster gains levels in his chosen caster class and develops his powers as if he were that class including spells known in the case of Bard and Sorcereor. Along with this His Caster level also increases equal to (Primary casting class level + Pale master leve)
Level 1: Palemaster gains the ability to summon undead as a spell like ability this undead levels as the Palemaster gains levels in the class (See below for undead stats) When an undead is summoned the Palemaster must make an Occultism roll with DC20+PM level to ensure that they remain under the Palemasters control after that each turn they must also make a concentration Flat DC 30 roll to ensure that it remains obediant.
Level 2: Palemaster gains 1 feat. He also gains an additional 2 AC as his body becomes more infused with necromantic energies
Level 3: Nothing other than Caster Level
Level 4: Palemaster gains undead Touch that allows him at will to make an attack against an enemy that does 1d4 level drain with a Con check to resist that is (10+CasterLevel/2+Int Modifier)
Level 5: One free Feat and the Palemaster gains a +2 to both Dex and Con
Level 6: The Palemaster can now summon Two undead per rest and his undead gain the ability to be posessed by the Palemaster similar to how a Familiar can be.
Level 7: Palemasters undead Touch now deals 2d4 level drain, He aslo reaches a break through in this process and manages to entirely replace his arm with an undead one, What form this takes is up to the Palemaster. It can be Vampiric, Ghoulflesh, Skeletal, Or a Shade.
Level 8: One Free Feat +2 AC
Level 9: Nothing other than CL
Level 10: PM gains crit immunity and and additional +2 AC as well as the ability to summon three undead per rest.
Undead stats I'll only detail here when the undead stats change there will be 4 levels to it improving on the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th levels of Palemastery The Palemaster can choose the type of undead to summon but this doesn't change the stats only acts as an RP difference
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1st level
Str: 18
Dex: 14
Con: 15
Wis: 8
Int: 8
Cha: 8
Immunity to Mind spells, Immunity to Critical Hits, Immune to Knockdown
AB 13
AC 15
4th Level
Str: 22
Dex: 18
Con: 20
Wis: 8
Int: 8
Cha: 8
Immunity to Mind spells, Immunity to Critical Hits, Immune to Knockdown
AB 15
AC 18
Str: 24
Dex: 22
Con: 25
Wis: 8
Int: 8
Cha: 8
Immunity to Mind spells, Immunity to Critical Hits, Immune to Knockdown
AB 19
AC 23
Str: 28
Dex: 25
Con: 30
Wis: 8
Int: 8
Cha: 8
Immunity to Mind spells, Immunity to Critical Hits, Immune to Knockdown
AB 24
AC 28